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The Texas Wedge is a golf technique that involves using a putter for shots off the green, typically when the ball is just beyond the putting surface and traditional chipping or pitching is not ideal. This method is commonly employed when the ball rests on closely mown grass or the fringe of the green. The Texas Wedge offers versatility in various situations and requires a distinct approach compared to standard putting.

The shot’s name is attributed to its supposed origin in Texas. It may also be referred to as the “Texas Two-Step” or “Texas Wedgie.” Executing a successful Texas Wedge shot involves using a putting stroke similar to that used on the green, but with an extended backswing and follow-through to generate additional power. Maintaining a smooth, controlled stroke and keeping the hands and wrists stable throughout the swing are crucial elements.

Factors such as the ball’s lie and grass conditions significantly influence the shot’s outcome. Golfers must consider these variables when deciding to use the Texas Wedge. By mastering this technique, players can expand their shot options and potentially improve their overall performance on the golf course.

Key Takeaways

  • The Texas Wedge is a putting technique where a golfer uses a fairway wood or hybrid club to roll the ball along the ground towards the hole.
  • Choosing the right club for the Texas Wedge shot depends on the distance to the hole and the terrain of the green.
  • Mastering distance control is crucial for successful Texas Wedge shots, as it requires precision and accuracy to get the ball close to the hole.
  • Reading the green is important when using the Texas Wedge, as golfers need to assess the slope and break of the green to adjust their shot accordingly.
  • Practicing the Texas Wedge shot regularly can help golfers improve their technique and feel more confident using this unconventional putting method.

Choosing the Right Club

Choosing the Right Club for a Texas Wedge Shot

When it comes to executing a successful Texas Wedge shot, selecting the right club is vital. Although the name suggests using a putter, other clubs can be effective depending on the lie and distance to the hole.

Assessing the Lie and Distance

In general, a putter is the most common club used for the Texas Wedge, especially when the ball is just off the green and there is minimal rough or fringe to navigate. However, if there are obstacles or longer distances to cover, a hybrid or even a fairway wood may be more suitable for the shot. The key to choosing the right club is to assess the lie of the ball, the distance to the hole, and any obstacles or hazards that may come into play.

Considering Obstacles and Distance

If the lie is clean and there are no obstacles in the way, a putter is likely the best choice. However, if there is longer grass or rough to navigate, a club with more loft may be necessary to get the ball up and over these obstacles. Additionally, if there is a significant distance to cover, a club with more power and distance potential may be needed.

Increasing Your Chances of Success

By carefully considering these factors and selecting the appropriate club for each situation, you can increase your chances of executing a successful Texas Wedge shot.

Mastering Distance Control

One of the most important aspects of executing a successful Texas Wedge shot is mastering distance control. Since this shot involves using a putting stroke from off the green, it is crucial to have a good understanding of how far the ball will travel with different levels of power and speed. Distance control is essential for getting the ball close to the hole and giving yourself a good chance at making the putt for par or better.

To master distance control with the Texas Wedge, it is important to spend time practicing different lengths of putts from off the green. This will help you develop a feel for how much power is needed for various distances and how different factors such as slope and grain of the grass can affect the roll of the ball. Additionally, paying attention to your backswing and follow-through can help you fine-tune your distance control and ensure that you are consistently getting the ball close to the hole.

By dedicating time to practicing distance control with the Texas Wedge, you can improve your overall performance on and around the greens.

Reading the Green

Player Putts per round Percentage of successful reads
Tiger Woods 28 75%
Rory McIlroy 30 70%
Jordan Spieth 29 80%

In addition to mastering distance control, reading the green is another crucial aspect of executing a successful Texas Wedge shot. Just like with traditional putting, it is important to assess factors such as slope, grain, and any potential breaks in the green when preparing for a Texas Wedge shot. By understanding how these factors can influence the roll of the ball, you can make more informed decisions about your aim and speed when executing this shot.

When reading the green for a Texas Wedge shot, it is important to take your time and carefully assess all of the relevant factors. Look for any slopes or breaks in the green that could influence the path of your ball, as well as any grain that may affect its speed and direction. Additionally, consider how these factors will interact with your chosen club and putting stroke, and make any necessary adjustments to your aim and speed accordingly.

By developing a keen eye for reading the green, you can increase your chances of executing successful Texas Wedge shots and getting the ball close to the hole.

Practicing the Texas Wedge Shot

Practicing the Texas Wedge shot is essential for developing proficiency with this versatile technique. By dedicating time to practicing this shot from various lies and distances, you can improve your ability to execute it effectively in different situations on the course. There are several key elements to focus on when practicing the Texas Wedge shot, including club selection, distance control, and reading the green.

When practicing the Texas Wedge shot, it is important to experiment with different clubs and lies to develop a feel for which club is most suitable for each situation. Additionally, spend time working on distance control by hitting putts from various distances off the green and paying attention to how different factors such as slope and grain affect the roll of the ball. Finally, practice reading the green by assessing factors such as slope, breaks, and grain before each shot.

By dedicating time to practicing these key elements of the Texas Wedge shot, you can improve your overall proficiency with this technique and increase your chances of success on the course.

Using the Texas Wedge in Different Situations

Using the Texas Wedge from Just Off the Green

The Texas Wedge is a valuable technique to master, as it can be used in a variety of situations on the golf course. When the ball is just off the green with minimal rough or fringe to navigate, using a putter for a Texas Wedge shot can be an effective way to get the ball close to the hole and give yourself a good chance at making par or better.

Overcoming Obstacles with the Texas Wedge

The Texas Wedge can also be used in longer grass or rough when there are obstacles or hazards between your ball and the hole. In these situations, using a club with more loft, such as a hybrid or fairway wood, may be necessary to get the ball up and over these obstacles and onto the green.

Adapting Your Technique for Success

By understanding how to adapt your club selection and technique for different lies and distances, you can effectively incorporate the Texas Wedge into your game and improve your overall performance on the course.

Fine-tuning Your Technique

Fine-tuning your technique is essential for mastering the Texas Wedge shot and incorporating it effectively into your game. There are several key elements to focus on when fine-tuning your technique for this shot, including grip, stance, and putting stroke. By paying attention to these elements and making any necessary adjustments, you can improve your overall proficiency with this versatile technique.

When fine-tuning your technique for the Texas Wedge shot, pay attention to your grip and ensure that it is comfortable and stable throughout your swing. Additionally, experiment with different stances to find one that feels natural and allows for a smooth putting stroke. Finally, focus on maintaining a consistent putting stroke with a longer backswing and follow-through to generate more power for longer distances.

By fine-tuning these key elements of your technique, you can improve your ability to execute successful Texas Wedge shots in different situations on the course. In conclusion, understanding how to effectively execute a Texas Wedge shot can greatly improve your performance on and around the greens. By mastering distance control, reading the green, and fine-tuning your technique, you can increase your chances of getting the ball close to the hole and making par or better.

Additionally, by dedicating time to practicing this versatile technique from various lies and distances, you can improve your overall proficiency with this shot and incorporate it effectively into your game. With careful consideration of club selection and adaptability in different situations, you can confidently add this valuable technique to your golfing repertoire.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Texas wedge, you should check out this article on This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Texas wedge and its significance in the game of golf. It discusses the technique, when to use it, and how it can improve your game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, this article is a great resource for understanding and mastering the Texas wedge.


What is a Texas wedge?

A Texas wedge is a golf term that refers to using a putter from off the green instead of a wedge or other iron.

When is a Texas wedge typically used?

A Texas wedge is typically used when the ball is just off the green and the golfer decides to putt the ball instead of using a wedge or other iron.

Why would a golfer choose to use a Texas wedge?

Golfers may choose to use a Texas wedge when they feel more comfortable putting the ball from off the green rather than using a wedge or other iron. It can also be a strategic choice based on the lie of the ball and the conditions of the green.

What are the advantages of using a Texas wedge?

Using a Texas wedge can be advantageous in certain situations because it allows the golfer to keep the ball low to the ground and roll it towards the hole, potentially avoiding obstacles or difficult lies.

Are there any disadvantages to using a Texas wedge?

One potential disadvantage of using a Texas wedge is that it requires a good feel for distance and speed, as well as a clear understanding of the conditions of the green. Additionally, using a Texas wedge may not be suitable for all lies or situations around the green.

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